Why We Took Our Fight for DACA Recipients All the Way to the Supreme Court


Brad Smith is the president of Microsoft Corporation

Christopher L. Eisgruber is the president of Princeton University

Talent, from every source and background, is the lifeblood of innovation. As the presidents of Microsoft and Princeton University, we have seen firsthand how participants in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program contribute to our institutions and our country. Standing up for DACA students is not only the right thing to do morally, it is also the right thing to do competitively.

That is why Microsoft and Princeton joined Dreamer María Perales Sánchez to challenge the federal government’s 2017 termination of DACA. Students like Maria, who graduated in 2018, and employees like the more than 60 Dreamers at Microsoft, should be allowed to work, study and thrive in the United States, not be forced to leave the only country they know as home.

Our two-year legal fight has now made its way to the Supreme Court, which will hear cases on November 12 related to DACA.

DACA, announced by President Obama in 2012, cleared a path for motivated students — who arrived in the United States as children — to pursue education and employment, allowing them to meet their full potential and contribute positively to this country without fear of deportation. The Trump Administration’s unlawful rescission of DACA was a tragic mistake, one that not only hurts Dreamers and their families, but also undermines our nation’s ability to compete in a global market for talent.

Hundreds of thousands of DACA recipients grew up here, attended school, pay taxes and contribute to society. This nation’s colleges and universities, businesses, economy and communities benefit directly from the determination and aspirations of Dreamers.