Atheism is Dead…

…to me.

I’ve never been comfortable with the word.  It’s derogatory, negative by definition, and is used to imply that those without belief are somehow deficient or malformed.  I will no longer tolerate the label.

I’m not an aspiritualist.

I’m not an aoccultist.

I’m not a avoodooist.

And I’m also not an athiest.

I’m a naturalist.  One who accepts natural explanations supported only by science, and rejects supernatural explanations supported only by human desire.

Question for theists and other supernaturalists:  Will you respect my wish not be slurred by the term ‘atheist’?

Question for non-supernaturalists:  Are you comfortable with being labeled as ‘atheist’, which in this context essentially equates to ‘abnormal’ or ‘deviant’?

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