Announcing… COUNTDOWN, A Massive Global Collaboration to Tackle the Climate Crisis

<b>Powered by TED and Leaders from Policy, Business, Science, Story-telling and Civic Engagement </b>

<blockquote>NEW YORK, Dec. 4, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — Today TED and Future Stewards with Christiana Figueres announced Countdown: a global collaboration to turn the tide on climate change.

The name Countdown refers to the necessary reduction to zero net greenhouse gas emissions called for by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), in order to mitigate the worst effects of climate change. </blockquote>

<b>Focus on five big questions:</b>

POWER: How rapidly can we move to 100% clean energy?
The plunging cost of renewables is a thrilling game-changer.

BUILT ENVIRONMENT: How can we re-engineer the stuff that surrounds us?
We need regenerative economics and a materials revolution.

TRANSPORT: How do we transform the ways we move?
It’s time to rethink our cars, trucks, ships and planes for the 21st century.

FOOD: How can we spark a worldwide shift to healthier food systems?
A delicious, nutritious future can be good for farmers — and the planet.

NATURE: How extensively can we re-green the earth?
Our forests, soil and oceans can return us to a stable carbon cycle — and save countless other species.

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