Thanks Obama!!! How American Tax Dollars AGAIN Financed the Attack of Our Own Embassy

Bloomberg had this in 2015:

U.S. weapons intended for Iraq’s beleaguered military are winding up in the possession of the country’s Shiite militias, according to U.S. lawmakers and senior officials in the Barack Obama administration. These sources say that the Baghdad government, which was granted $1.2 billion in training and equipment aid in the omnibus spending bill passed last month,  is turning hardware over to Shiite militias that are heavily influenced by Iran and have been guilty of gross human-rights violations.

Don’t worry though.

There is nothing to see here nor is there anything to see with Ukraine.

Just ask Joe Biden.

I guess he’s delusional enough that he probably believes his own BS.

But the facts are much different than his delusion.

I wonder how the historians will rewrite this Obama failure.