Andy Puzder: Trump economy is booming – Good news for America, bad news for Democrats

The Democrats are in for a tough year. President Trump’s economy is roaring, completely debunking the left’s pessimistic narrative about economic growth.

According to figures released Friday by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a record 158.8 million Americans are now employed, while the unemployment rate continues to hold steady at a 50-year low of 3.5 percent.

With more job openings than there are job seekers to fill them, our strong and growing economy has truly reached full employment – an elusive milestone that means we are butting up against the limits of how quickly we can expand the labor force.

This is especially great news for workers, because companies with job openings to fill are increasingly having to compete with each other to attract employees by offering higher wages, better benefits, improved working conditions, greater flexibility and more workplace perks.


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