U.K. Starbucks Raises Money To Chemically Castrate Transgender Children

Approved ~~ MJM

They told me that Brexit would turn Britain into a barbarous land, and they were right: U.K. Starbucks is now raising money to promote the chemical sterilization and surgical mutilation of children. The British branch of the beverage-slinging behemoth is selling special mermaid-shaped cookies to benefit transgender lobbyist group Mermaids, whose founder infamously took her underage son to Thailand to be castrated.

That personal extremism sets the tone for the group’s agenda, which is all about earlier and more permanent transitions for children, with less screening and fewer safeguards beforehand. That Starbucks is supporting this group illustrates how thoroughly radicals have conquered both the LGBT movement and corporate culture. In a few years the fight has shifted from government recognition of same-sex relationships as legal marriages to mastectomies, sterilization, and castration for children.

That raises the question, both in this specific instance and more generally: why doesn’t anyone say no? Why didn’t someone at Starbucks speak up and say that, even though the company is left-leaning and LGBT-friendly, fundraising for a group that is pushing to permanently transition children earlier and earlier is going too far? More broadly, why don’t people speak up in other settings, from universities to newsrooms to the current Democratic primary—why can’t anyone on the left say no to the radicals?

After all, true believers in the left’s fashionable shibboleths regarding gender, race, sexuality, etc. are a small minority of the population, and often a minority even in left-leaning institutions. Yet they nonetheless wield disproportionate cultural power.


Article URL: https://thefederalist.com/2020/02/21/u-k-starbucks-raises-money-to-chemically-castrate-transgender-children/