By Veronica Stracqualursi and Annie Grayer, CNN
Updated 3:56 PM ET, Fri March 6, 2020
(CNN)A man was kicked out of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’ rally in Arizona after he unfurled a Nazi flag during the Democratic presidential candidate’s speech.
The appearance of a Nazi flag at the Sanders campaign event Thursday night was widely denounced on social media, sparked outcry and prompted calls for security.
“We can argue about which candidate should get the Dem nomination, but antisemitic acts have no place in this world. This is absolutely abhorrent,” Steven Slugocki, the chairman of the Maricopa County Democratic Party in Arizona, wrote on Twitter.
The individual who had hung a flag with a swastika on it was immediately booed by the crowd. Members of the audience ripped the flag from the individual’s hand, and the individual was quickly removed by security.
In the moment, in response to the boos, Sanders told the large crowd of his supporters that “whoever it was” that caused the disruption was “a little outnumbered tonight.”
“And more importantly, they’re going to be outnumbered in November,” he added.
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