Donald Trump wants sports back, but some governors are less keen on the idea

It’s been over a month since a basketball was dunked in the NBA and a soccer ball was kicked in MLS and US President Donald Trump, for one, is missing live sports action.

“We want to get our sports back, so importantly,” Trump said at his coronavirus briefing Tuesday.
“I’m tired of watching baseball games that are 14 years old, but I haven’t had too much time to watch. I would say maybe I watch one batter and then get back to work.”
Trump named commissioners from all major US sports leagues as part of a new economic advisory board to reopen the country, as well as, among others, NFL owners Jerry Jones and Robert Kraft, WWE boss Vince McMahon and NASCAR vice chairperson Lesa Kennedy.
But with the number of new coronavirus infections continuing to rise every day in the US, whether Trump will be watching live baseball games to watch anytime soon remains to be seen.
Leading infectious disease doctor Anthony Fauci has said that the US is not yet ready to ease up on restrictions aimed at slowing the spread of coronavirus.
And amid the pandemic, governors — who reserve the power to reopen state activities — are less inclined to talk about when sports might resume.

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