Compromise: Restaurants can also open from Monday, provided that guests wear protective masks while eating

Freitag, 17. April 2020

Berlin – Step by step normality is returning to Germany. Now the federal government has also reached a compromise with the catering industry to relax the corona measures. According to this, restaurants, cafés and other restaurants may reopen nationwide from Monday. The only requirement: guests must always wear a respirator during the entire stay.

“We are happy to announce that our restaurateurs will be able to open again next week,” said Health Minister Jens Spahn. “As long as every guest wears a respirator, we see no greater risk of infection.”

For reasons of health protection, the mask, which must completely cover the wearer’s mouth and nose, must not be removed from the face during the entire restaurant stay. In addition, customers should wash their hands between each course.

“From our point of view, there is nothing standing in the way of the culinary delights of the citizens,” concluded Spahn. “Good Appetite!”

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