Latino groups endorse Biden early in show of unity

Major progressive Latino groups are bulking up their political operations and rallying behind former Vice President Joe Biden faster than they did with Hillary Clinton

The surge in Hispanic support is mainly driven by opposition to President Trump‘s policies and rhetoric — as well as four years of changes in how the Democratic Party approaches Hispanic voters.

The endorsements come as Biden is looking to unite the moderate and progressive factions of the Democratic Party after Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) left the race earlier this month.

Latinos are expected to be a critical voting segment in November with many Hispanics opposed to the Trump administration’s policies, including on immigration.

“The Trump presidency represents a clear and present danger,” said María Teresa Kumar, the president and CEO of Voto Latino, an organization dedicated to registering Hispanic voters.

Voto Latino last week endorsed Biden, breaking with the organization’s former policy of not endorsing presidential candidates.

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