Hawk Nelson: Former Christian rocker reveals he no longer believes in God

The former lead singer of a Christian rock band revealed that he no longer believed in God in an Instagram post.


Jon Steingard, the frontman for Christian rock band Hawk Nelson, revealed in a note posted to Instagram he was renouncing his faith.


“I’ve been terrified to post this for a while – but I feel like it’s time for me to be honest. After growing up in a Christian home, being a pastor’s kid, playing and singing in a Christian band, and having the word Christian in front of most of the things in my life – I am now finding that I no longer believe in God,” Mr Steingard said.


“I was asking about a verse in 1 Timothy that seems really oppressive of women. It indicates that women shouldn’t be in church leadership, shouldn’t teach men, and shouldn’t wear their hair in braids. To me, that seemed less like the message of the loving God that most Christians believe in now, and more like the ideas that would have been present in the culture at the time,” he wrote. “…a male-dominated society where women were treated less like equals and more like property.”


Article URL : https://currently.att.yahoo.com/att/xandr/hawk-nelson-former-christian-rocker-153238067.html