WATCH: Greg Gutfeld Blows His Top When Juan Williams Tries To Lay Black on Black Violence on Trump

>> I don’t know, I don’t think words are enough anymore. I think there needs to become some kind of action. What I find interesting as the gun violence in Chicago is a reality pferde pc spiele kostenlosen. What you are seeing going on in America is a racial hysteria. Why is one gaining attention and the other isn’t? I think the worst thing a black communicating can do as a whole as take advice from coddled white over-caffeinated overeducated under experienced left-wing individuals call of duty 1 download kostenlos vollversion deutsch. The gang violence in the gun violence is ignored but everybody’s running around tearing down statues. I want to end the race war that we seem to be experiencing today free photo viewer. I am going to blow your mind with this. Okay? There are more differences in conflict within whites then there are between whites and blacks. There are more conflicts in differences between whites commit then there are between whites and blacks musik downloaden und offline hören iphone. When you look at those pasty white whips out there running around vandalizing and destroying property, I realize that I have absolutely nothing in common with these laughable losers adobe player kostenlos herunterladen. And if that is what everybody looks at the TV, they have nothing in common as a white person with these failures. It is insulting to me and it’s insulting to every white person that you think that race it binds us, it doesn’t bind us job simulator kostenlos downloaden. I have more in common with black winners than white losers. And that is the truth of all human beings. What ties us together is achievement and not grievance anyconnect herunterladen. So white winners and black winners are on the same side, and stay away from the white losers because they are poisoning the minds of everybody . That will end racism if all the winners of every race and color joined together and laugh at the losers iw elan.

David Adams

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