What If Christianity Never Existed?

R&I – FS


What If Christianity Never Existed?

What if the ignorant and illiterate Galilean-Gentile followers of a convicted Malefactor who was according to Jewish sources, stoned to death and then hung on a tree dispersed. What if these ignorant subversives let sleeping dogs lie after their master was executed and went on with their business as fishermen, tax collector, zealot and thieving. Humanity would be in a more advanced technical state today. Just think, if there was never any false scriptures, no heretic wars, no crusades, no burning at the stakes, no forging to amass lands and wealth, and no suppression of science and learning. One can imagine some of the front-page headlines in the first issue of  Berrow’s Worcester Journal of 1690:  

The petrol combustion engine takes over from the steam engine for road vehicles.  

The Japanese and American Automobile industry are very interested in the new development of the petrol and diesel engines that comes online next year.

Transatlantic flights resume after an Icelandic volcano eruption sent a plume of ash into the atmosphere, which cancelled several flights last week.  

Pietro Ottoboni (?), a senior representative for the airline industry, said we have no control over Nature. 

American scientists say they will have a man on the moon within the next century.  

Wernher Magnus Maximilian Freiherr von Braun (?) spokesperson for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration said of sending a man to the moon: landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth.” To which he added, “No single space project in this period will be more impressive to mankind, or more important for the long-range exploration of space, and none will be so difficult or expensive to accomplish.”  

 A boy of five hacked Microsoft Xbox!  

After wanting to play his father video games, but having parental blocks preventing it, five-year-old Kristoffer von Hassel (?) tried hacking into the Xbox Live system by trying different combinations of passwords. Eventually, he found a back door security glitch that allowed him first to enter the wrong password, then in the following screen to enter a series of spaces to unlock the system. After he had “exploited the security hole.” Hassel parents contacted Microsoft to let them know about the security problem. Microsoft responded “We are always listening to our customers and thank them for bringing issues to our attention. We take security seriously at Xbox and fixed the issue as soon as we learned about it.” They also provided Hassel with a free year-long subscription to Microsoft Live Gold, four video games and $50USD.

It sounds a bit far fetched, but Christianity suppression of the sciences and education stopped, the advancement of man and his progress and development by centuries. One has only to look at Galileo and his work on Heliocentricity. Or any of the early sciences. That did not conform to biblical teachings were suppressed. 

(?) The names are real, but do you know them?

What do you say on part or all of this post?


Keep safe!


Jero Jones

Article URL : https://breakingnewsandreligion.online/discuss/