‘2021 still pretty sh*t’ warn Australians

The year 2021 is still pretty shit warn Australians who have now begun bringing in the New Year, because they live in the future.

With literally billions of people around the globe desperate to see the back of the year 2020 once and for all this evening, concerning reports have started to emerge from down under that the year 2021 is, in fact, still quite shit.

Speaking from the future via Skype earlier, local man Shane Williams from Sydney told us, “I’m sorry guys, everything is actually still really shit.

“We were all looking forward to finally saying goodbye to the worse year on record, and really excited to see what 2021 brings, with all the hope and expectation of a real year of optimism and change, but in fact, it’s just as shit as last year, to be honest.

“Really fucking shite.

“If anything, it might even be a bit worse, there are even more infections now, new variants and everything. The whole country is fucking closed and people are losing their jobs all over the place.

“Anyway, Happy New Year guys. Here’s to 2021, which like I said, is still absolutely shit.”