Far-right conspiracy theorist and representative for Georgia’s 14th congressional district, Marjorie Taylor Greene, exceeded previous fundraising efforts after posting a disturbing video in which she ate medical waste and defecated on a photo of the Clintons, Washington insiders confirmed.
“The American people are sick and tired of being told what to do by our tyrannical government led by terrorist Democrats,” said the controversial politician in an Instagram Live video late yesterday evening. “In order to prove to you that there is nothing to fear, I broke into the basement of a nearby hospital and I’m going to eat a bunch of green goo I found in a dumpster. Also, the Clintons eat babies, and I’ve got a monster turd brewing that I plan on dropping right on their faces. Stay tuned.”
Supporters of the polarizing Georgia lawmaker were compelled to contribute to Representative Greene’s reelection campaign after seeing the footage.
“She’s the only politician who seems like a normal person. I devour random gunk I see in trash cans all the time, and it’s refreshing to see a person I could see myself eating chemicals within a position of authority,” said Wisconsin native Arnie Chaulk. “COVID has really hit me and my family hard, so donating money to anyone is tough. But as soon as I saw her rip a complete monster heat spike onto that photo of Bill and Hillary, I knew I had to do the right thing.”
Political watchdog groups noted that much of her fundraising came from standard, hardcore Republican supporters, rather than grassroots efforts.
“Some people see the numbers MTG is pulling in and think this is a groundswell of support, but the truth is she’s just getting dark money from the same Republican backers as anyone else. She would have made that money without poisoning herself,” said analyst Andreas Medico. “The social media posts where she drinks gasoline and claims her fire farts will extinguish the left are good for riling up her base, but those people aren’t even sending her that much money, if at all. She could just do normal, more human things and still clean up. I think she sort of just likes being a monster.”
Greene closed her latest video by promising she will eat the dead fox by the river near her house raw if she meets her next fundraising goal.