An Illinois judge just harnessed his inner Founding Father and declared the state firearms I.D. unconstitutional

In Illinois, you must complete an application and pay $10 for the privilege of owning a firearms identification card (FOID).

In other words, you need to ask the State for permission to enjoy your God-given right to defense.

On Tuesday, White County Judge T. Scott Webb called foul and ruled that the FOID card is blatantly unconstitutional:

“A citizen in the State of Illinois is not born with a Second Amendment right. Nor does that right insure when a citizen turns 18 or 21 years of age. It is a façade. They only gain that right if they pay a $10 fee, complete the proper application, and submit a photograph.

If the right to bear arms and self-defense are truly core rights, there should be no burden on the citizenry to enjoy those rights, especially within the confines and privacy of their own homes. A citizen’s Second Amendment rights should not be treated in the same manner as a driver’s license.”

Webb’s ruling involved Vivian Brown, an elderly woman who was charged in 2017 for owning a long-barreled, bolt-action rifle without the proper I.D.

Why is owning a gun that your great-great grandpappy could have owned before the War a grave threat to the Kingdom of Illinois?
