101 House Republicans vote against protections for pregnant workers

As the GOP claims to be ‘pro-life,’ nearly half of House Republicans voted against preventing pregnant workers from discrimination.

One hundred and one House Republicans on Friday voted against the Pregnant Worker’s Fairness Act, a bill that seeks to prevent pregnant people from being discriminated against in the workplace.

Even though nearly half of the GOP conference voted against it the bill still passed, 315-101 — with votes of support from every Democratic member of the House.

“My bill, the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, would deliver fairness and dignity to so many workers across America,” House Judiciary Chair Jerry Nadler (D-NY), who sponsored the bill, said Friday ahead of the bill’s passage. “By providing reasonable accommodations — a glass of water, a stool, an extended break — it’ll make a vast difference for pregnant workers.”

The legislation bans employers from:

  • Refusing to make “reasonable accommodations” for pregnant workers;
  • Denying opportunities to pregnant workers based on their pregnancies or child birth;
  • Forcing workers to take leave if reasonable accommodations can be made for pregnant workers to stay on the job;
  • And taking adverse action against a pregnant worker who requests reasonable accommodations for their pregnancy or childbirth.

Current law does not require employers to make reasonable accommodations to pregnant workers, according to the New York Times.

The 101 no votes from Republicans — which amounts to nearly half of the 212 members of the GOP conference — came even though these same Republicans claim to be “pro-life.”
