New Report Says Gaetz Snorted Cocaine With an Escort at 2019 Party

A new report on Congressman Matt Gaetz says that he allegedly was part of a “cocaine-fueled party” in 2019.

The Daily Beast dropped a new report Friday on a Florida fundraiser Gaetz attended in 2019 and his alleged interactions with Megan Zalonka during a party afterwards.

On Oct. 26, 2019, Gaetz attended the “Trump Defender Gala” fundraiser as the featured speaker at the Westgate Lake Resort in Orlando. Two witnesses present recalled friends reconvening at Gaetz’s hotel room for an after-party, where Zalonka prepared lines of cocaine on the bathroom counter. One of those witnesses distinctly remembers Zalonka pulling the drugs out of her makeup bag, rolling a bill of cash, and joining Gaetz in snorting the cocaine.

While The Daily Beast could not confirm that Gaetz and Zalonka had sex that night, two sources said the pair had an ongoing financial relationship in exchange for sex.

Zalonka apparently had “a taxpayer-funded no-show job that earned her an estimated $7,000 to $17,500” through her relationship with Greenberg, the report says.

Earlier Friday news broke of Gaetz ally Joel Greenberg pleading guilty and cooperating with the ongoing investigation.

The Daily Beast report says that Zalonka will be identified by Greenberg as “one of more than 15 young women Gaetz paid for sex.”