Zecharia Stitchen and Anu of the Anunnaki (the Snake in the Garden of Eden)

Zecharia Stitchen and Anu of the Anunnaki (the Snake in the Garden of Eden)

From Human Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) Headquarters

In the interest of lightening things up around here:

*** Intelligence news update from the Human Homo-Sapiens Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) headquarters and Republic Rebel Alliance battlefront (January 2021). Zecharia Sitchin was a Sumerian Anunnaki Draco Prime royal bloodline reptilian chimera alien incarnate avatar descendant of Anu of the Anunnaki (the Snake in the Garden of Eden) who rules the earth from the Vatican underground Draco base. He was a 14 feet tall, white-scaled, red-eyed “Draco Prime” royal Draco. He taught that the earth had primitive ape-like creatures with little intelligence, but their gods the Illuminati top hierarchy “White Lodge Brotherhood” ascended master fallen angel devils came to earth, and mixed their seeds with God’s primitive ape-like creatures (humans made in the image of the Almighty Holy Righteous Loving Creator God YHWH Jesus), in order to create the modern day human (the 33.3% nephilim & chimera alien incarnate avatar people on earth who have replaced God’s human homo-sapiens specie ape-like inferior people).

Their goal is to replace all of God’s humans eventually with their Satan Lucifer’s revised upgraded alien-gene Jedi people (human version 2.0 psychic New Age Wicca witch nephilim hybrid people) or to make God’s humans into a Borg hive-mind AI femtobot zombie human meat specie and child sex slave specie and life force photon parasitism livestock food specie because humans are still connected to God’s life force energy. End of transmission…

The Canaanite giants Freemason Egyptian pharaonic Phoenician Caesar papal lineage nobility families’ servant royal families are called “blue bloods” because their nephilim avatar bodies are half Draco and half human. The Draco reptilian chimera aliens have blue blood negative RH, because their planet Draco Prime (Thuban Alpha Draconis) is copper-based soil. Man was made in the image of our Almighty Holy Righteous Loving Creator God YHWH Jesus from the iron-based earth, so his blood is red positive RH just like all the animals of earth created by God.

Woman was made from man and not from the earth, but since she came from man, she also has iron-based red blood. Jesus does not look like a woman, like these Calvary Chapel hippy New Age Wicca witch “Jesus movement” Satanist Draco reptilian chimera alien incarnate avatar pedophile cannibal church pastors make him out to be, who redefine the Bible verses to their Satanist doctrine of “no women’s head coverings” and “cross-dressing in men’s trousers” post-1960s Satanist Western values, which will soon be destroyed with fire and cleansed.

The question is, why are the Illuminati 501c3 church pastors not teaching all these vital critical information to you and God’s flock and deliberately hiding all this information from you, when you and your families are about to be exterminated and are being replaced, or will be made into a confiscated child sex slave human meat food life force parasitism specie? What is wrong with these pastors? Are they even humans like us or one of the 33.3% infiltrator fake humans? What kind of people is Satan Lucifer placing into his Illuminati “501c3 Satan spiritual contracted” Illuminati ordained church pastors’ positions? It is very disturbing, not to say the least.


So you tell me – why are we being kept in the dark? Think about it…