Mirror Brought Into Courtroom So Jussie Smollett Can Face His Attackers

R&I – TxPAT ***

CHICAGO, IL—In a powerful, emotional moment in the Jussie Smollett trial Thursday, a mirror was brought into the courtroom so Smollett could face his attackers for the first time since he was beaten up on the streets of Chicago.

Smollett demanded to face his attackers to help him overcome the pain and trauma of the assault, and the judge obliged. He signaled for a bailiff, who brought in a tall mirror and held it up to Smollett. The actor wept as he looked his attackers right in the eye, facing them man to man.


Article URL : https://babylonbee.com/news/mirror-brought-into-courtroom-so-jussie-smollett-can-face-his-attackers