Another 2020 Election Conclusively Shows A Joe Biden Victory

A right-wing group that spent 10 months examining last year’s presidential election in Wisconsin has now concluded its inquiry with the finding that there is no evidence of systematic election fraud in the state, where Biden won. Of course, this finding seems unlikely to suddenly get Trump to stop pushing claims to the contrary, but nevertheless, the conclusion of this particular investigation adds yet another item to the list of efforts to uncover potential widespread fraud that have come up short. At no point has any court accepted the idea that fraud was responsible for Biden’s election victory.

The election investigation in question was conducted by the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) and found what it described as “no evidence of widespread voter fraud.” That sort of fraud, in the group’s description, would include efforts like “attempting to procure votes that were never cast,” which is something that Trump has repeatedly claimed took place around the country. Trump has pointed to the fact that vote tallies changed as time went on as supposed evidence of meddling… but that’s how counting works. The more you count what in this case would be ballots, the more that totals change. This isn’t complicated.


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