Good people, bad people

(image credit: 9andrew5

Rousseau thought people are inherently good; Jonathan Edwards thought we are inherently wicked. Hobbes famously described life without the constraints of a powerful government as “nasty, brutish and short.”

Christianity avers that we are all sinners, but whether that means we are actually bad, or merely imperfect, seems to be a matter of interpretation.

Most(?) of us seem to operate from a working assumption, even if unarticulated, that there are good people and bad people. Desmond Tutu was good. Child molesters are bad. 

So three questions: 

  1. Are there good people and bad people?
  2. What does your belief system tell you about whether people inherently are good, bad, both or neither?
  3. What do your guts tell you about whether people inherently are good, bad, both or neither?