Sen. Tuberville Blasts Biden, Says He ‘Can’t Put Two Sentences Together’

Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) held nothing back while blasting Joe Biden during an interview with FM Talk 106.5 in Mobile while discussing the midterm elections, during which he insisted that the long-term goal is to get Joe Biden out of office.

“I feel good about it, right,” he said. “A lot can happen. It’s basically six months away. There will be a lot of water underneath the bridge between now and then. I don’t see the progressive Marxists on the left changing their ways. They’re going to try to put a happy front on everything. But you can’t put a good front on all of this — the high prices of gas and oil, food, our border, which we’re being overrun. This is going to be a huge election.”

Tuberville doesn’t think the country can handle two more years of “these crazies trying to take our country and run it down the drain.”

“We have played defense for a year and a half. We have done a pretty decent job in terms of senators blocking the Build Back Better and all of this overspending,” Tuberville continued. “But we are $31 trillion in debt, and we are on the brink of disaster for this country. A lot of people don’t see it every day. Unfortunately, I have to get up every day and have to live it. It is reality that they are running this country in the ground. We have to take back the Senate. We have to take back the House. And in two more years after this, we’ve got to get this guy out of the White House because he is not running the show. Someone else is doing it because he can’t put two sentences together.”