CNN WHINES: Republicans Are ‘Poised to Exploit’ Real Economic Issues

CNN’s Don Lemon Tonight on Tuesday hosted CNN political commentator Paul Begala and senior political analyst Kirsten Powers to make the Democrat message loud and clear going into these November midterms: Republicans would make all our problems worse and only Democrats could (somehow) make them better, despite already being in control of Congress and the White House.

What’s the message? Begala stated that the “grassroots of the Democratic Party are trying to tell its elites that they care about public safety.” The people want to see reform and change, but Begala seems to think that the most important thing that their constituents want to get across to the party leaders is the “quality of life issues about crime, about homelessness.”

Pointing to a broader concern of the electorate, Lemon stated that a new Wall Street Journal/NORC poll showed that 83 percent of those who participated in the poll are “pessimistic about the economy.”

And what’s Begala’s plan? To craft the Democratic message to say, “The pain is real…I feel your pain… the other guys are going to worsen your pain.” He also suggested, “to situate all of this in a sense that we are losing control, that there’s no one at the wheel.”

How comforting. Yet, the Biden White House likes to boast about “the lowest unemployment, the best jobs… when they talk about their accomplishments, it makes people angry,” as Begala proclaimed while huffing that the American people don’t believe it.

Only briefly mentioning the serious problems affecting Americans currently, Lemon, Begala, and Powers all past by the subject as a way to possibly emphasize that Republicans might be bringing too much light to those issues.