(Closed as Non-Compliant)GOP, in FBI raid, gets a golden election egg

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Republicans seeking office this November already had polls at their back, putting them in lead of many, if not most, of their Democrat contenders — thanks be Joe Biden and his inflation and his Afghanistan withdrawal and his COVID-19 clamps on liberties and his overall braindead puppet-pulled leadership.

But the FBI’s highly suspect raid on Donald Trump’s private Mar-a-Lago home has handed Republicans a golden egg.

“Large Majority of Independents, Republicans Believe Trump’s Political Enemies are Behind FBI Raid,” a Convention of States/Trafalgar Group poll found.

By the numbers: Almost 54% of Independent voters believe the raid on Mar-a-Lago was conducted for political reasons, at the doing of Donald Trump’s political enemies; almost 77% of Republican voters believe similarly. Sadly — showing the divide of America and the ignorance of Democrats — only about 12% of Democrat voters thought Trump’s political enemies were pulling the strings of this raid.

Regardless, the fallout is huge.


Article URL : https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2022/aug/13/gop-in-fbi-raid-gets-a-golden-election-egg/