Biden says Democrats will deliver ‘stronger’ Social Security, warns a GOP majority could have it ‘sliced’

President Biden on Monday commemorated the 87th anniversary of the Social Security Act becoming law by touting Democrat plans to protect, expand and deliver “stronger” benefits to recipients, while warning that a Republican-controlled Congress could put the program “on the chopping block.”

“Look, if you know me, you know I think rebuilding the middle class is the moral obligation of our time,” Biden says in the video. “Social Security allows for our seniors to retire with dignity, and me and my Democratic friends on the hill are trying to protect it and expand it.”

Biden touted the “strong employment recovery” in the American Rescue Plan, and said that because of its passage, Social Security “is going to pay for benefits for even longer than it was originally projected.”

“But here’s what’s crazy,” Biden continued. “Republicans on the hill—they want to put it on the chopping block.”

“Every five years it would come up to reconsideration, whether it continues or not,” Biden said. “Think about that.”

Biden was referring to a plan Republican Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., proposed earlier this year that would sunset Social Security and Medicare within five years.

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