Election deniers? 82 Democrats who called GOP election wins questionable, illegitimate or stolen

Democrats and their media allies have sought to stigmatize Republicans concerned about 2020 voting irregularities as “election deniers,” yet scores of leading Democrats have themselves raised concerns about elections won by Republicans since 2000, including claiming elections were stolen and attempting to change the outcome of presidential elections by objecting to the certification of state electoral college votes.

In the Senate race in Washington, for instance, Democratic Sen. Patty Murray’s campaign recently slammed her GOP oopnent Tiffany Smiley for her stance on election integrity, calling it “way out of line with the truth and way out of line with Washington voters.”

“Tiffany Smiley is yet another MAGA Republican who is scrambling to hide her extreme views after the primary,” Murray campaign spokesperson Naomi Savin told Axios. Murray, however, put out a statement on Jan. 6, 2005 expressing her agreement with fellow Democrats who had “raised questions about voting irregularities” in the 2004 presidential election.