‘The Federal Government Should Get the Heck Out of This,’ Boebert on Abortion, Christian Nationalism

Boebert also discussed a recent Denver Post article that described her as a “Christian nationalist” following her appearance at Andrew Wommack’s Truth and Liberty Conference in Woodland Park earlier this month.

“I do not need a qualifier for my faith,” said Boebert. “I am a Christian. I am an American. I am a conservative. I am a mother. I am a lot of things, but to to go on this attack of ‘Christian nationalists’ and have that define whatever they mean, whether it’s a threat to democracy or whatever they want to define it as on this day, I don’t need that. I am a Christian and my faith does not need a qualifier.”

The other speakers at Wommack’s event included Lance Wallnau, who has popularized the concept of the “Seven Mountain Mandate,” which posits that all seven spheres of influence in secular society should be under the control of the Christian church, David Barton, the faux-historian who pushes the idea that the United States was founded to be a Christian nation, the 1797 Treaty of Tripoli be damned, and anti-abortion activist Janet Porter Folger, who pioneered the concept of “heartbeat bills.” 
