New toilet photos back up bombshell claims about Trump flushing documents

According to an exclusive report from Axios, photos have been obtained showing illegally shredded documents in both a White House toilet and on Air Force One during Donald Trump’s administration.

In February of this year, it was reported that White House staffers revealed that the former president was tearing up documents and dumping them in White House toilets causing headaches and backed-up plumbing.

At that time, the New York Times reported, “While in office, the former president blithely flouted the Presidential Records Act, which required him to preserve written communications concerning his official duties” and added that “Trump routinely tore up documents and after leaving office brought substantial written materials back to Mar-a-Lago. A Trump spokesman didn’t respond to a request for comment about the plumbing matter.”

Trump pooh-poohed the report at the time and lashed out at the Times’ Maggie Haberman — and now she has produced photos backing up the reporting.