Latest trans fad involves men slicing off shoulder width to look more “feminine”

Latest trans fad involves men slicing off shoulder width to look more “feminine”

11/28/2022 / By Ethan Huff / Comments

You may have heard about little girls getting a double mastectomy in order to become little “boys,” but have you heard of shoulder reduction surgery?

This is the latest transgender craze that males who wish to transform into “females” are doing. It involves the clavicle bone being surgically removed while the ends are reconnected with either a metal plate or screw.

The procedure is designed to make biological men appear more as “women,” and the fad is sweeping “gender affirming” medicine as the latest and greatest way for males to really turn transgender.

Male shoulders are obviously wider and larger than female shoulders, which means that even if a transgender removes his genitals and slaps on some fake breasts, he will still look male in his frame. Shoulder reduction surgery “fixes” that.

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