Elon Musk reinstates Twitter accounts of proud Islamophobe Laura Loomer and bigoted conspiracy theorist Roger Stone

Shortly after Musk’s acquisition of Twitter was finalized on October 27, previously banned users — including Loomer and Stone — celebrated the completed deal. Musk initially promised civil rights organizations that there would be a “clear process” for reinstating previously suspended accounts but quickly went back on his word when he declared “Freedom Fridays” on November 18 and brought back Jordan Peterson and The Babylon Bee. He has since reinstated multiple other high-profile right-wing users, including former President Donald Trump, and granted “general amnesty” to include accounts that push misinformation and white nationalist rhetoric. 

Now, Musk has reinstated two more high-profile far-right accounts: Laura Loomerand Roger Stone

Loomer, a conspiracy theorist, has previously described herself as a “proud Islamophobe” who is “pro-white nationalism” and was banned from Twitter in 2018 after making anti-Muslim attacks against Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN). After she was reinstated on December 8, Loomer tweeted that Musk “has finally unchained me from the doors of Twitter HQ,” referencing her bizarre 2018 protest over the suspension.

Other high-profile right-wing accounts that are being brought back to Twitter under Musk’s leadership include

  • Far-right Rep. Marjorie Taylor-Greene (R-GA)
  • Right-wing organization Project Veritas
  • Right-wing personality Alex Lorusso 
  • Anti-LGBTQ figure James Lindsay
  • Misogynist Andrew Tate
  • Right-wing figure Juanita Broaddrick
  • Anti-trans activist Meghan Murphy
  • Antisemite E. Michael Jones
  • British anti-feminist far-right personality Carl Benjamin
  • Right-wing blogger David Vance