Matt Gaetz and Lauren Boebert blow through Capitol security and refuse screenings before Zelensky speech


Matt Gaetz and Lauren Boebert were seen on the first floor of the Capitol building walking down a hallway outside of the House floor when they veered right towards the chamber. Before they were able to reach the door, two US Capitol Police officers in suits stopped the pair, addressing Mr Gaetz by name, and informed them that they needed to go through a security screening before entering, gesturing to a nearby metal detector.

While the two are members of Congress and therefore have permission to enter areas of Capitol Hill where visitors and members of the press are naturally restricted from accessing, all members of the House and Senate no matter their seniority must adhere to security guidelines put in place by the House and Senate Sergeants at Arms.

Metal detectors and their related security procedures were put in place a week after the January 6 attack on the US Capitol…

Approved ~ Primus Pilus

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