The GOP’s George Santos Dilemma

Embellished? I do not think that word means what the Talented Mr. Santos thinks it means. 

To “embellish” is to adorn, decorate, enhance, gild, beautify, and festoon, and, on occasion, it means to “exaggerate.”

This Santos did not do. He just made shit up out of whole cloth. He did not place doodads on his resume: He lied about his schooling, his degrees, his background, his criminal history, his employment, and about the non-existent properties he claimed to own. He lied that his employees were killed in the Pulse nightclub shooting. He lied about his Jew-ishness and about his grandparents escaping the Holocaust. He used fake quotes from Winston Churchill. He lied about his money, probably lied on financial disclosure forms (which is actually a crime), and lied about his lying.

And then, having constructed this Babel of Fabulism, he turned to the playbook of disingenuous non-apologies.

Of course, a political party with any sort of intact immune system would move quickly to send this sociopath back to ScamLand, whence he came. 

But this is the GOP circa 2022, and so it faces a painful dilemma. With a narrow majority in the House, Republicans (and especially Kevin McCarthy) need his vote, of course.