Libs of TikTok creator Chaya Raichik is dropping her anonymity

Chaya Raichik, the Twitter user behind the Libs of TikTok account, has decided to drop her anonymity after getting doxed by the Washington Post.Fox News

For the last two years, I have been widely known by my Twitter handle, Libs of TikTok. My anonymity afforded me the opportunity to expose the radical-leftist agenda without fearing for my personal safety, but it also created a vacuum for rumors to fester about my true identity. 

In fact, Washington Post writer Taylor Lorenz was so impressed by my work, she thought I must have been a Republican operative or foreign agent and set out to uncover the person behind my account. When she discovered who I actually was, Tay Tay was unable to write me into her narrative, so she decided to dox me instead. 

Even after my doxing, I was able to remain a faceless figure, combating the radical-leftist agenda from behind a screen. Although my name was out there, my face remained hidden, and I felt comfortable keeping it that way — but that all changed in the last couple of months. Thanks to Tay Tay, Libs of TikTok’s popularity skyrocketed. I was overwhelmed by the messages of support I received and realized my work was more necessary than ever before. 

But I knew something had to change. Here I was, using my anonymity as a shield from the tyranny of the majority, but I quickly realized that I was in the majority. 

Raichik has gained a following at Libs of TikTok for posting videos exposing the lunacy of the far left.
Twitter/Libs of TikTok
A video shared by Libs of TikTok showed a teacher claiming her students are “queer because I am queer.”
Another video shared included a person who uses “toy/toyself” pronouns.

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