Police Chief Warns Would-be Intruders: ‘We Live in Florida … Most People Are Armed’

Police Chief Warns Would-be Intruders: ‘We Live in Florida … Most People Are Armed’

An alleged home intruder was shot four time by a Haines City, Florida, resident on Friday and afterward Police Chief Gregory Goreck warned other intruders, “We live in Florida … most people are armed.”

FOX News quoted Goreck saying, “One should expect that if you are brazen enough to enter into someone’s residence and it is not yours, with intent to commit an unlawful act, there may be repercussions.”

He added, “We live in Florida, and more so, we live in Polk County, and most people are armed.”

The Daily Ridge reported that a Haines City homeowner came home Friday morning around 1:45 a.m. and discovered an alleged intruder in his home.

The homeowner, a concealed carry permit holder, drew his gun and shot the suspect four times.

The suspect, 27-year-old Tyriek Tramaine Washington, managed to flee the scene but was soon by police and is hospitalized in “critical but stable condition.”

When commenting on the incident Sheriff Goreck said, “When a person breaks the sanctity of a person’s home, the average person would rightly conclude their purpose was evil,” said Police Chief Greg Goreck. “The homeowner had every right to take the action he did in this case based on the circumstances.”
