What was the true Bloodline of Jesus?


What was the true Bloodline of Jesus?

According to the Bible, Jesus had four other brothers (James, Joses, Simon, and Judas) Matthew 13:55-56; Mark 6:3, and at least two sisters, one was call Salome Mark 15:40 Mark 16:40; Mark 16:1, but there is no name on the second or any further sisters of Jesus.  However, were these siblings half brothers and sisters to Jesus, as the Bible claims?  Jesus is the odd one out, whereas the other siblings are the product of the union of Mary and Joseph, with a question mark (?).  However, there is a question mark over Judas, with some Christian text claiming Didymus Judas Thomas as the twin of Jesus.  The Acts of Thomas identify Judas as the Apostle Thomas. The evangelist, John, also identified Thomas as “the twin,” and John 20:24-31 refers to him as the Doubting Thomas.

Nota bene. Hebrew: תְּאוֹם; Aramaic: Tauma; Syriac: Toma (Thomas); Greek: Didymus; Arabic: tau’am, et al., mean twin.  So, Didymus Thomas means twin-twin.

(The story of the Didymus Thomas

Around circa 4 BCE, in a place called Bethlehem (probably Bethlehem in Galilee) if we are not to believe the Christian scripture.  A boy child was born early on the morning of Dies Natalis Solis Invicti (birthday of the Sun God Sol Invictus) 25th of December(?). Two minutes later, a second boy child was born to the same young girl, no more than 13-year of age; her name was Miriam (Mary). It was an extraordinary time of the year for the citizens of the Roman Empire, as it combined the festive period with the Saturnalia (Roman God Saturn) and the Winter Solstice (Pagan) festivals.  This twin story was made after the fact by Christian authors, to put Jesus on the map, so to sayIt also created how the resurrection myth could be achieved, by swapping twins.)

Jesus being the odd one out of the sibling, which alters the gentiles perception of Jesus’ messiahship, as there are two possibilities of who is Jesus’ father.  But not one that could make him a possible contender of bloodline of David.  The Bible is emphatic that Jesus came into existence by the  rape of Mary by the Holy Ghost.  Yet, history has another older contender to the father of Jesus, a Roman soldier by the name of Pantera, as the paramour of Mary.  Jewish oral tradition, the Greek philosopher Celsus, and others, as well as the Talmud all confirm the Panthera story.  What is more, in Bingerbrück, Germany, in 1859 railway construction workers unearthed an ancient Roman burial ground, containing nine tombs, hidden for centuries under the rich German Rhineland soil.  Nothing new about that you would say, the world had witnessed the after-effects of the devastation of a massive ancient volcanic eruption in 79 CE, with the unearthing of Pompeii back in 1748. However, one of the nine tombstones created a bit of a stir in the German history establishment.  Because the tombstone belonged to a Roman soldier or more precisely a Roman archer of the first cohort Sagittariorum/of archers who, like numerous young soldiers, took the name of his emperor whom he served.  The name he chose was Tiberius Iulius, and he added the Latinate form of the Aramaic name Abdes (servant of God).  Tiberius Iulius Abdes Pantera had been a former standard-bearer for 40 years with the Sagittariorum who had come from the City of Sidon, now in Lebanon, he died age 62.  Laid to rest in a foreign land some 3,000 km as the crow flies from home in the Levant.  Pantera/Panthera probably arrived in Germany in c. 9 CE, when his legion was transferred to service in the Rhineland, Germany.  Scholars have dated Pantera’s birth and death from the tombstones as being born c. 22 BCE – d. 40 CE.  His emperor was Tiberius Julius Caesar, whose reign can be dated precisely as 14-37 CE. 

The Tombstone Latin inscription reads:





∙ H ∙ S ∙ E ∙ (Hic sepultus est)

English Translation:

Tiberius Julius Abdes Pantera

from Sidon, aged 62 years

served 40 years, a former (standard-bearer?)

belonging to the first cohort of archers,

here is buried.

Scholars have hypothesis the connection between the Pantera that Celsus mentions in Origen’s Contra Celsum, and the Pantera or Panthera or Pandira of the Talmud and other Jewish traditions.  As well as being connected by the scholars Marcello Craveri (1966, The Life of Jesus), James Tabor (The Jesus Dynasty ​in 2006) and others as the father of Jesus.

The renowned American scholar Tabor wrote: 

So, what might we conclude regarding Abdes Pantera?  It is remotely plausible that among all the thousands of tomb inscriptions of the period this might be the tombstone of Jesus’ father—and in Germany of all the places?  The chances seem infinitesimal, but the evidence should not just be dismissed out of hand.  Pantera was a Roman soldier, possibly a Jew; he was a native of Syria-Palestine, just north of Galilee; and he was a contemporary of Mary, the mother of Jesus.  So, we have the right name, the correct occupation, the right place, and the right time.  There is no way to prove a connection with this type of evidence—short of DNA tests of identifiable remains.[James D. Tabor (2006), The Jesus Dynasty, Ch. 3, p.63, HarperElement, London] 

Some have concluded that Pantera was a young man aged 18-22 around the time of Jesus’ conception. However, most conservative Christians say it is all a coincidence, yes, if it were one, but there are many coincidences in the Pantera story as mentioned above. I leave you with another coincidence to ponder, which is taken from the Bible.  24 And from thence he arose, and went into the borders of Tyre and Sidon, and entered into a house, and would have no man know it: but he could not be hid. Mark 7:24 (KJV) See Matthew 11:21-22 ESV, with Jesus more in favour of Sidon than Bethsaida. With more than eight coincidences that I know, which includes, the distance from Nazareth to Sidon is less than 60 miles.

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R&I – TP

Jero Jones

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