Claiming hundreds of thousands of dollars were secretly paid to keep the information out of the public eye, sources close to Donald Trump revealed Thursday that the former president had paid hush money to conceal the children he had in wedlock. “He knew that if it got out that he had these kids, it would completely ruin him,” said an anonymous source, adding that Trump paid six-figure sums through intermediaries over the past four decades to cover up his connection to the children he fathered during his marriages to Ivana Trump and Melania Trump. “Trump wanted to make sure he was as distanced from his legitimate children as possible to avoid the embarrassment of people knowing he fathered them. He even negotiated with publications like the National Enquirer to keep the damning photographs of himself with Don Jr. and Eric out of the news.” The source added that Trump continued to make payments to his former wife Ivana Trump up until her death to guarantee she took the truth that he was Eric Trump’s real father with her to the grave.