Priests paid for the Abortions to get rid of the evidence!


Priests paid for the Abortions to get rid of the evidence!

The epidemic of clerical child sex abuse in the Roman Church going back to at least 306 CE.  It has been exported to include Protestant Churches, and one can assume it started from the birth of the Reformation.  Today it is constantly making headlines all over the world where there are Christian churches, and paedophile priests.

Some time ago, I wrote about “The lost Children of Tuam,” a town in Galway, in the west of Ireland. Tuam, pronounced “Chewm.” Which was a story exposed by the New York Times. It’s a story about infanticide (murder of children by the church), cruelty, and clerical sexual abuse (CSA). However, that is not my discussion, nor is this about the repeated rape of a boy from the age of 12 to 14 by a 27-year-old Nun.  Who fell pregnant with his child from the illicit repeated rape of a child in her care?

This discussion is about the repeated rape of Nuns in their convents by priests, which again the New York Times heading read: Sexual Abuse of Nuns: Longstanding Church Scandal Emerges From Shadows, dated Feb. 6, 2019.  As I said, I have written about CSA, and I don’t mean the Confederate States of America.  Reading the 2019 exposé on the rape of Nuns by priests, brought back memories of the non-fiction book, Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk, by Maria Monk (1816-49) a Nun.  The book, set in the mid-1830s Canada, of a young French Canadian girl.  Who entered the Montreal convent Hôtel Dieu Nunnery as a postulant, then a novice, who escaped rape by priests, and worse, to witness the murder of a Nun, and the infanticide of newborn babies, thrown into lime pits, and cesspits.  The Church tried to suppress the Maria Monk exposé, and called it lies, yet, the New York Times story mirrors Maria Monk’s story in every detail.  Maria Monk escaped from Montreal, Canada to New York, US of A.  With Roman priests on her trail, with orders to capture, and have her returned to back to the convent in Montreal

PBS News Hour transcript by Christopher Livesay: reported Lucetta Scaraffia (through translator): “They tell them, keep quiet, or our congregation will be persecuted. These women (Nuns) can’t even contemplate leaving because they don’t have any alternatives. They have no trade, no support group.  They have severed ties with their families. So, they are forced to endure this abuse. That often leads to pregnancy, and the priests or bishops force them to have abortions.” The bkts and highlighted emphasis are mine.  Not only is rape a civil crime, abortion is a grave sin according to the church.  What hypocrisy!  If it affects the church, its priesthood, then abortions are fine.

Pope Francis agreed in an interview that rape by bishops and priests of Nuns does go on, and he has taken steps, by sacking, and moving priests. Currently, no new priests have been seconded to the Arctic, or Antarctic dioceses, according to penguins.

Lucetta Scaraffia: Born in 1948, she became a feminist, a Marxist, and an atheist; however, she has returned to Catholicism, and is a historian and Journalist working inside the Vatican for the Donne Chiesa Mondo women’s magazine.

Scaraffia on abortion: “Doubtless abortion is a sin and, as such, it has to be condemned by the Catholic Church,” she maintains. “But this does not mean it should be punished as a crime by the state. For women, before anything else, abortion is a wound, both physical and psychic, inflicted on themselves which they will pay for, consciously or unconsciously, during their whole life. This is already sufficient punishment, above all if one realizes that the man who has made her pregnant has nothing to pay, though he has the same responsibility.”  “To punish the woman, and only her and not the man who shares the responsibility, is therefore a grave injustice. As a result, I favour the decriminalization of abortion.”

If we take the basic four sexual orientations that can occur with (males), Heterosexual, Bisexual, Homosexual, and paedophile.   We see paedophile clerics sexually abusing children, the Homosexual Priest same sex with Priest/Layperson, and the Heterosexual priest raping the Nuns, and most probably having affairs with their female layperson.  With the Bisexual priest being a predator working in tandem with both female/male.  One also has to remember that there are female rapists too, categorizes as male rape!  The term Clergy/Priest being used means Priest and bishops.

A true example of Rape By Clergy.
Yet another example, only now coming to light, is the case of Rachel Mastrogiacomo, who, at age 24, was raped in Satanic cult-like fashion by a Catholic priest as he celebrated a private Mass for the two of them. And, she says, when she came forward to the Church, they covered it up.

What do you say?
Approved ~ FS

Jero Jones

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