Exodus and the miracle of Amun-Ra

We all (I suppose), know the story of the Israelite Exodus based on biblical accounts, although some historical reports say different things. Anyway, the myth of the pharaoh who perished in that expedition, or pursuit, is strangely not mentioned by any historical record whatsoever, although it would have drawn the attention of the historians, especially Egyptians’.

The account of the pharaoh’s army that perished in the Red Sea, is not historically likely to have occurred, as a pharaoh would have never pursued himself the Jewish lepers and slaves who he commanded to be expelled out of Egypt due to leprosy that afflicted Egypt according to historians.

As the historian Choeremon reported, one time Egypt was infested with disease and through the sacred scribe Phritiphantes’ advice, pharaoh drove out of Egypt all the infected brick-makers and other slaves. (Dunlap Samuel, “Vestiges of the Spirit History of Man p 40)

Lycimachus also reported that a filthy disease broke out in Egypt and the Oracle of Ammon, being consulted on this occasion, commanded the king to purify the land by driving out all foreigners, slaves and among them the Israelittes who were infected with leprosy, “a race of men who were hateful to the gods”.  All persons afflicted with leprosy were considered as displeasing in the sight of the Sun-god, by the Egyptians. The whole multitude of the people were accordingly collected and driven out into the wilderness. (Dunlap Samuel: Vestiges of the Spirit History of Man. p 40)

Diodorus Siculus on this event says, “In ancient time Egypt was afflicted with a great plague which was attributed to the anger of the god, on account of the multitude of the foreigners in Egypt by whom the rites of the native religion were neglected. The Egyptians accordingly drove them out of the land”.

Tacitus the Roman historian says. “In this clash of opinions, one point seems to be universally admitted. A pestilential disease, disfiguring the race of man and making the body an object of loathsome deformity, spread all ove Egypt. Bocchoris that reigned at that time, consulted the Oracle of Jupiter-Hammon and received for answer, that the kingdom should be purified by exterminating the infected multitude, as a race of men detested by the gods. After diligent search, the wretched sufferers were collected together and in a wild and barren desert abandoned to their misery. In that distress, while the vulgar herd was sunk, in deep despair, Moses, one of their number, reminded them, that by the wisdom of his councils they had already been rescued out of impeding danger. Deserted as they were by men and gods, he told them that if they did not repose their confidence in him, as their chief by divine commission, they had no resource left. His offer was accepted. Their march begun; they knew no whither. Want of water was their chief distress. Worn out with fatigue they lay stretched on the bare earth, heartbroken, ready to expire, when a troop of wild asses returning from pasture went up the steep ascent of a rock covered with a grove of trees. The venture of the herbage round the place suggested the idea of springs near at hand. Moses traced the steps of the animals and discovered a plentiful vein of water. By this relief the fainting multitude was raised from despair. They pursued their journey for six days without intermission. On the seventh day they made halt and having expelled the natives, took possession of the country where they built their city and dedicated their temple (Tacitus History book 5 chap. 3).

This account is more reliable rather than the 40-year wandering allegory-myth in the desert and indeed, the distance from the “supposed” Egyptian borders to Palestine through the “Road of Horus”, necessitates a 6-7 day marching. But the gods and the mythographers of the Jewish glorious “history” written hundreds of years after the supposed events, ignored that Palestine was at that time an Egyptian territory. “Divine knowledge and wisdom”.

A similar story may be added by the Egyptian priest Manetho (250 BC) who is referred to by Flavius Josephus the Jewish historian, whose accounts’ main point refers to the fact that Egypt was indeed infected with disease owing to the foreigners who were in the country and who were an unclean people and accordingly driven out of the land into the wilderness. Josephus gave us two fragments out of Manetho’s lost work, that the Israelites did sojourn in Goshen according to their tradition, and that they were looked down on the Egyptians as foreigners and represented as lepers and unclean people. Reading the Leviticus, one can conclude that the Israelites were not a remarkably clean race.

The author Samuel Dunlap in his work “Vestiges of the Spirit History of Man”, says “The Israelites came out of Egypt and settled among the Canaanites. They need not be traced beyond the Exodus. That is their historical beginning It was very easy to cover up this remote event by the recital of mythical tradition and to prefix to it an account of their origin in which the gods (the patriarchs), should figure as their ancestors”

As many authors, among them Thomas Inman argues in his book “Ancient faiths and modern: A Dissertation upon Worships, Legends and Divinities” vol 2 p 58, corroborated by Jan Knappert in his book “The Religion of Israel, a Manual” p 41, “This story which was not written until more than five hundred years after the Exodus itself, can lay no claim to be considered historical”. See also in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israelites

Count de Volnay observes that “What Exodus say of their servitude under the king of Heliopolis *(see OT references), and of the oppression of their hosts, the Egyptians, is extremely probable *(as Palestine was conquered by Egypt testified by historical records and archaeological findings and its inhabitants were taken captives). It is here their history begins. All that precedes, is nothing but mythology and cosmogony”. (Comments with asterisks (*) are mine)

Actually, the origin of the Israelites is quite obscure by judging the controversial accounts of scholars who some of them also claim that they originated from Afghanistan or from Yemen.

So far so good. Now comes the juicy stuff. In a cave discovered at Deir-el-Bahari, near Thebes in Egypt, 39 mummies of royal and priestly origin were found. Among them was Ramses II the third king of the 19th dynasty and the veritable Pharaoh of the Jewish captivity. It is very strange that he should be there, among a number of other kings if he had perished in the Red (or Reed) Sea. The mummy is wrapped in rose-colored and yellow linen of a texture finer that the finest Indian muslin, upon which lotus flowers are strewn and it is in a perfect state of preservation.

Since some of you in this site believe in talking serpents and deities that impregnated mortal virgins and the like, did the Egyptian god Amun-Ra resurrect king Ramses II who was supposedly drowned in the Red Sea together with his army by El (and not Yahweh) during the Israelite Exodus and set him back unto his throne?

How else can you explain this “miracle”, since according to the godsend and infallible bible, he perished in the Red Sea?



Article URL : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israelites