Jen Psaki Calls Out The Media For Underestimating Joe Biden

Jen Psaki pointed out that the media constantly underestimates Joe Biden, and so far they have been constantly wrong.

Here are few headlines in the negotiations leading up to the infrastructure deal Remember these headlines? When will Biden get in the game. Does Biden need a higher gear? Some Democrats think so. Those are not from recent months. Those are from the weeks before Joe Biden won the presidency in defeat Donald Trump.

Or how about these from the weeks before the midterm elections? Why Biden’s closing argument is worrisome to Democrats and couldn’t miss the mark with midterm voters. Help or hindrance? Biden takes a backseat as Trump goes all in on midterms. We all remember how that turned out, Democrats kept the Senate and nearly kept the House. Call me crazy, but maybe just maybe he is onto something here. Maybe people do not want a frenetic Twitter presidencies. Maybe they do not want a circus. Maybe getting things done is not boring it isn’t as vanilla some recent analysts have suggested. Maybe governing is about making people lives better, or trying to.

In my experience from working for him for nearly two years, it is not really a problem for Joe Biden that he is underestimated. It is kind of a motivator for him. But the big lesson from this week is not about the future of bipartisan deal-making. Do not hold your breath on that. It’s that people should underestimate Joe Biden at their own risk.

Jen Psaki Calls Out The Media For Underestimating Joe Biden (