‘Sit down and be quiet’- MAGA attack on Jewish republican exposes Christian nationalism’s shaky commitment to pluralism

But last week Miller fired off a tweet that created an uproar in the MAGAverse—in particular among its Christian nationalist contingent. After Lizzie Marbach, Communications Director at Ohio Right to Life, tweeted “There’s no hope for any of us outside of having faith in Jesus Christ alone,” Miller forcefully replied

Critics rightfully point out the troubling free speech implications of a sitting Congressperson commanding a private citizen to delete a tweet. To others, Miller’s tweet is further proof of the lack of principles among GOP leadership, which is insufficiently committed to an authentic America First agenda.

But simmering beneath the uproar, and bursting at times into the open, is another charge. Miller is Jewish, and many seemed enraged, above all, that a Jew—even worse, a Republican Jew—would so brazenly challenge a core tenet of classical Christian faith that struck him as inherently oppressive. As the Christian nationalist movement builds unprecedented power in the U.S., their aggressive reaction to Miller’s cry of protest abruptly exposed the limits of their oft-professed love for Jews, at the hard edge of their dystopian vision.

‘Sit down and be quiet’—Christian MAGA bares its fangs

The responses to Miller’s tweet from leading MAGA figures have been intense and overdetermined. “Sit down and be quiet,” Gavin Wax, Gen-Z leader of the hard-right New York Young Republicans Club, tweeted. “You have a problem with a Christian professing her Christian faith?”   Jesse Hughes, chairman of College Republicans of Liberty University, who also retweeted Pearson’s ‘you guys’ warning, responded to Miller with an impressively succinct expression of both the deicide accusation and the supersessionist argument