Neo-Nazis blow up that false Dem narrative when they announce they support Biden

Independent media then interviewed the groups of Neo-Nazis at an overpass where the assembled characters were shouting out nasty anti-semitic things at people. There were about 100 people assembled, a few of them unmasked. One of the groups was called the “Blood Tribe,” and it was led by a guy named Christopher Pohlhaus, who spoke to the media. He was wearing a necklace with a big metal swastika on it.

But what Pohlhaus had to say blows up that narrative that Democrats like to push about Neo-Nazis. You can see the video here. Pohlhaus railed about “capitalism” and “billionaires” in addition to attacking Jews with some pretty disgusting language. That sure sounds a lot like leftists to me when they attack capitalism. Pohlhaus was then asked about the presidential race and if he was going to vote in 2024; what did he think was going to happen? Pohlhaus responded, “My vote is useless. I think Biden is better than Trump because he sends rockets to Ukraine.” He then said, “Hail Ukraine! Hail Azov [the Azov battalion]!” The guy behind him yelled, “Slava Ukraini [Glory to Ukraine!]!”

Another part of the assembly also said that they were not supportive of Trump or the right wing and then used an anti-semitic slur. One of the men joked, “We’re all Ron DeSantis supporters.” He then laughed and said, “F**k Ron DeSantis,” but I already see Democrats spreading the first part without the second, which shows he was joking.

Point being? These folks are not part of the right, and conservatives reject them. It’s pretty ironic that Democrats try to tag the right with these characters, but then their leader says he supports Biden.


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