Palestinian Blames Jews for Holocaust, Few Care

Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas recently made headlines for blaming Jews for The Holocaust, resulting in a U.S. State Department condemnation.

US Special Envoy to Combat Antisemitism Deborah Lipstadt slammed the “hateful, antisemitic remarks” made by Abbas in a speech last month to his Fatah party’s Revolutionary Council.

“The speech maligned the Jewish people, distorted the Holocaust, and misrepresented the tragic exodus of Jews from Arab countries,” Lipstadt wrote on X.

“I condemn these statements and urge an immediate apology,” she added.

Two other senior US officials subsequently called out Abbas on Thursday, with US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield saying the PA leader’s remarks “undermine prospects for a secure and peaceful future for Israelis and Palestinians” in addition to being “hateful and antisemitic.”

US Special Envoy for Holocaust Issues Ellen Germain tweeted that Abbas’s comments “are horrifying examples of Holocaust distortion and efforts to rewrite the history of WWII and the Holocaust. We must call out such lies and distortions whenever we see or hear them. The truth matters.”

The US condemnations came as the EU also denounced Abbas’s comments, saying they contained “false and grossly misleading remarks about Jews and antisemitism.”

Abbas had claimed that Hitler’s Nazi regime had carried out genocide against European Jews because of their “usury, money,” rather than their religion“:

“They say that Hitler killed the Jews for being Jews, and that Europe hated the Jews because they were Jews. Not true. It was clearly explained that [the Europeans] fought [the Jews] because of their social role, and not their religion,” Abbas said at a meeting of the Fatah Revolutionary Council on August 24, in remarks translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute.

While woke morons of BNR and the world will excuse the Muslim’s anti-semitism reflexively, their explanations are consistently invalid. 

For instance, woke morons will insist Hitler hated Jews for their success and “social role”, and no other reason. 

In fact, Hitler’s antisemitism was rooted in a toxic mix of racial prejudice, ideology, and a warped sense of blame. He propagated the false and hateful idea that Jews were to blame for many of the world’s problems, including economic issues, and used this as a justification for the Holocaust and other atrocities committed during his regime.

I was the only poster on BNR to post about this story. I am sure it wasn’t covered at all in left wing echo chambers without even bothering to look. 

The fact that this story is not getting more traction is a testament to the fact that despite The Holocaust, few today care about Jews. 

The fact that this story is not getting more traction is a testament to the fact that The Jews need Israel, because so few give a shit  when we are blamed for our own genocide by a leader like Abbas. 

The question for discussion is:

Why do so few care about the definitive Palestinian leader defaming Jews and desecrating the memory of The Holocaust by blaming Jews for being shot and gassed to death?