The IRS whistleblower at the heart of the Hunter Biden probe took notes. We’ve got them.

Gary Shapley’s lawyers say he wrote contemporaneously that the US Attorney investigating the president’s son said he was constrained.

The notes represent another volley in the increasingly intense back-and-forth over whether the investigation into the president’s son has been tainted by politics. Weiss himself has pushed back on Shapley’s testimony, telling lawmakers that he was “never…denied the authority to bring charges in any jurisdiction.”

Empower Oversight, a non-profit group led by former staffers to Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) that is helping Shapley, provided the notes to POLITICO. They also provided a letter they sent to the House Judiciary Committee, which is investigating the Biden family.

Shapley’s notes are the first written materials from a participant of the Oct. 7 meeting to be made public — and the only contemporaneous documentation of the meeting available thus far. Two other law enforcement officials who attended the meeting have told lawmakers that they do not remember it the same way Shapley does.