Police officer caught with 104lbs of fentanyl ‘working with Mexican cartel’

A deputy caught with 104lbs of fentanyl is now accused of working with the Mexican cartel.

A police department suspected one of their own, Oceguera-Rocha who has been on the job for four years, of working with the Mexican cartel to smuggle drugs across the border and distributing to them. After hearing a suspicious phone call, officers followed Jorge Oceguera-Rocha as he left his home last September, eventually pulling him over to find 104lbs of fentanyl-laced pills in his trunk.

In a declaration filed in court, Riverside County Deputy Joshua Ricard said the department’s Special Investigations Bureau opened a case against Oceguera-Rocha. The reason for suspicion has not been disclosed, but it does take credible evidence for a judge to hand out a warrant for a phone tap. It took just a few weeks before officers heard the conversation they’d been waiting for.

Oceguera’s bail was set at $5million. During the arguments, Ricard described him as “a grave threat to the general public.” As a sheriff’s deputy, Oceguera “has knowledge of the dangers of fentanyl and the mass overdose pandemic,” Ricard wrote, yet he possessed a huge quantity of the drug “with no regard for public safety.”

Oceguera has spent some time in the prison where he once used to work as an officer. “That’s a scary situation for him,” Collins said. “He’s scared about being there. He’s scared about being in that environment.”

R&I – TP


Article URL : https://www.themirror.com/news/us-news/police-officer-caught-104lbs-fentanyl-131427