Skyrim fan saddled with 25 performance-ruining horses every time they load their game begs community for help

A stressed Skyrim player behooved to their faltering PC has turned to the internet for help, claiming to have unwittingly installed a mod that spawns 25 horses every time they load the file, and getting absolutely none.

Skyrim fan Yahiamice takes to the RPG’s dedicated subreddit to ask for help as their PC begins to break under the weight of the myriad horses they’ve conjured.

“Guys, please help me,” they say. “I’ve accidentally installed a mod for Skyrim that has the secondary effect of spawning 25 horses every time I load the save file. They do nothing but stand there in the same exact pose and lag my computer. Please help. Here’s a screenshot.”

As far as screenshots go, it’s a good one. Naturally, though, they did not get the help they were looking for.


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