Israel expels Gazan workers back to war-torn enclave

Dozens of Palestinian workers in Israel returned to besieged Gaza on Friday following an Israeli government decision to expel Gazan laborers from the country.

Men of all ages could be seen entering Gaza through the Kerem Shalom crossing in southern Israel on Friday, in CNN footage filmed inside the war-torn territory. Some prayed or kissed the ground, some greeted friends and family, and some told of alleged mistreatment in Israel.

“What happened to us never happened to any human being before,” one of the men told CNN. “They suspended our permissions. We tried to go to the West Bank. They detained us and put us in places we never knew where we were.”

Unemployment levels in Gaza are among the highest in the world, with nearly half of the population out of work, according to 2022 UN data. More than than 80% of the population lives in poverty.

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