Want a Ceasefire? Tell Hamas To Free All Hostages and Unconditionally Surrender.

Just as the Israel Defense Forces encircle the Hamas stronghold of Gaza City, calls for a “ceasefire” are accelerating.

For the first week or two after the Hamas Holocaust of Oct. 7, which saw the most Jews massacred in a single day since Hitler and hundreds more taken hostage into Gaza, calls for a ceasefire were mostly relegated to far-left, self-hating “Jewish” groups such as IfNotNow and so-called Jewish Voice for Peace, along with the fifth column, jihad-sympathizing congressmen who comprise the House “Hamas Caucus,” such as Reps. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) and Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.). In those halcyon days just a short while ago, even White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said that Hamas Caucus calls for a ceasefire were “repugnant” and “disgraceful.”

How the times have changed.

In reality, there is an extraordinarily simple way to expedite the end of all hostilities in Gaza: Hamas releases all hostages taken on Oct. 7 and unconditionally surrenders to Israel, just as Germany and Japan unconditionally surrendered to the Allied Powers to end World War II. If Hamas did that, the war would end tomorrow. There would be no further casualties. The conversation would instead shift to what the Gaza Strip will look like once freed from Hamas’ jackboot.

Surely, all reasonable people can agree that is something to look forward to.