Oh Look, Adam Schiff is Lying Again: Schiff Launches Media Disinformation Campaign on Rape Pregnancies

He just can’t seem to help himself.

If it’s a post by Adam Schiff, it’s probably a lie, and this sentence has more reliable data to support it than the whopper Schiff launched on his official Congressional account.

Quoting Axios of all places was the first issue, but the second is he didn’t even do THAT correctly.


Nearly 65,000 pregnancies have resulted from rape in the 14 states that banned abortion since Roe was overturned, researchers estimate. The vast majority occurred in states that don’t make exceptions for rape.

The study being cited, Rape-Related Pregnancies in the 14 US State With Total Abortion Bans, states, ‘To estimate rape-related pregnancies, we multiplied the state-level estimate of vaginal rapes by the fraction likely to result in pregnancy and then adjusted for the number of months between July 1, 2022, and January 1, 2024, that a total abortion ban was in effect.’

The study estimated the number of rapes using CDC and Federal victimization self-reporting surveys from 2016/2017 and 2022 and then assumed a percentage of women aged 15 – 45 could have gotten pregnant.


No actual pregnancies were recorded in the data.

So, assumptions built on assumptions, built on estimates.

Nevermind that, the Democrats have a Presidential campaign to run on abortion!