What is faith?

According to Oxford Languages faith is:

  1. complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
  2. strong belief in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual conviction rather than proof.

Matt Dillahunty says faith is the excuse people give for believing something when they don’t have evidence.

According to the Bible faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. (Hebrews11:1)

Catholic doctrine says faith is the act of the intellect, prompted by the will, by which we believe the truth of all that God has revealed on the basis of the authority of the one who has revealed it.

In Islam faith (īmān) is to believe in Allah, to affirm His truth, and to submit to His commands by giving recognition with the heart, saying with the tongue, and doing with the limbs; it increases with obedience and decreases with sins.

One of the regular commenters here says faith is belief based on reason in the absence of empirical proof.

Some claim “it takes more faith to be an atheist than to be a Christian“. Which makes me wonder which definition of faith is being used here.

Which defintion of faith resonates most with you and why?